
  Services currently offered by the society


♦   Facility for obtaining loans with impressive interests upto Rs.1,500,000 within a month.


♦   Loans upto Rs.150,000 just within 2 days.


♦   Monthly interests for deposits.


♦   Gold pawning service.

  • Maximum advance amount of Rs.38,000 for a sovereign (8g) 24K gold.
  • Only 15% interest for members.
  • 15.5% interest for non-members.


♦   Daily deposits collection from the business community by visiting there premises.


♦   Western Union money transfer service.


♦   Providing consumer goods monthly with a discounted prices.


♦   Welfare services.


♦   Fully computerized, air conditioned & optimized banking office protected with a security camera system.


♦   Open for banking on weekends too.


  Other Services


♦   Membership trainings for each & every member of the society.


♦   Regular demanded trainings for the bank staff.


♦   Annual pilgrimge tours & trips.


♦   Conducting health campaigns in each two months time.

  • Consultancy of specialist doctors.
  • Offers free drugs which are defined by the doctors.
  • Obtain the contribution of the members & the capable people nearby.


♦   Select winners monthly by the welfare lottery while consolidating the welfare fund.


♦   Offer death grants on a death of a member or a beneficiary.


♦   Awarding special gifts for members on the anniversary day.


♦   Offer pleasant rewards for each head on New year transactions.

